How to make pancakes

To make delicious pancakes, start by sifting 110 grams of plain flour into a large mixing bowl and add a pinch of salt for flavor. Crack two large eggs into the center of the flour. Begin whisking the eggs, slowly drawing in the flour to create a smooth mixture. Gradually pour in a blend of 200 milliliters of milk and 75 milliliters of water, whisking constantly to avoid lumps. Once the batter is smooth, stir in 50 grams of melted butter to enrich the flavor. Heat a non-stick frying pan over medium heat and lightly coat it with butter. Pour a ladleful of batter into the pan, tilting it to spread the batter thinly across the surface. Cook the pancake for about a minute until the underside is golden brown, then flip it carefully and cook the other side. Serve the pancakes warm with a sprinkling of caster sugar and a drizzle of lemon juice for a classic touch. If you like, add a wedge of lemon on the side for extra zest. Enjoy your homemade pancakes!

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